"Kitchen Knives" by Adia Millett, 2005
See this Artforum review of (Re)Volver, a group show at Plataforma Revólver in Lisbon, curated by Filipa Oliveira and including work by (among others) Mona Hatoum, Ângela Ferreira, Wangechi Mutu, and our own Adia Millett. Thanks to Vishwa Marwah, who lent the work (shown above) for the show.
Mixed Greens gets "The Best of Both Worlds" award from ArtInfo for our integrated web- and gallery-based approach to exhibiting contemporary art. Click below to see pdfs of "Buying Art Online", their 3-part series of articles about collecting online:
Five Award-Worthy Web Galleries
Web Galleries Bring Wave of New Buyers into the Art World
(note: If using Safari to view pdfs, use control-click to zoom in.)