From: Rudy Shepherd
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 03:05:31 +0000
Subject: RE: FW: Rudy photos
Here is some stuff I would like to go in the blog. I am reading a book about Sun Ra right now called Space is the Place: The Lives and Times of Sun Ra. What follows are two quotes from that book and a poem by Sun Ra from the liner notes of his album The Heliocentric Worlds of Sun Ra vol.2.
I also like the idea of installation photos. The two things should work well together and maybe I will add more as time goes on.
TIM GRIFFIN, tenor saxophonist, p 136:
I can't be from this place,… There is no love here, and I love people. All I see is hate around me… That's what's wrong with the earth today. Black and white on this planet, there is no love, there is only hate. I was thinking about reading some books on anarchy, because all this government stuff is b.s. anyway. These governments drawing lines between men, between tribes. Yellow people against brown people, against black people against Muslims against Christians against Hindus. What is all that? I know I'm not from this planet; I can't be. I must be from someplace else in the universe because I'm a total misfit. I can't get with none of this.
KING PLEASURE, jazz vocalist, p 137:
Space is perfect (one, same, complete, throughout, etc).
Space is everywhere (omnipresent).
Space is nucleus around which all "matter" gathers.
All things come from "nothing" (space).
SUN RA, copyright 1966:
There is a land
Whose being is almost unimaginable to the
Human mind.
On a clear day,
We stand there and look farther than the
ordinary eye can see.
Far above the roof of the world,
We can encompass vistas of the worlds.
There is a land
Where the sun shines eternally…
Eternally eternal:
Out in outer space
A living blazing fire,
So vital and alive…
There is no need to describe its splendor.
Installation shots by Rob Carter